Larkshall Road

Larkshall Road, Waltham Forest

London Borough of Waltham Forest

The appeal scheme was defined by its strategic position within Highams Park District Centre, located adjacent to Highams Park Overground Station and at the intersection of three key routes, including Larkshall Road, The Broadway and Hale End Road. The appeal scheme proposed the demolition of existing buildings on the site for the erection of a five to seven storeys residential-led, mixed use development that comprised a new public train station entrance together with public realm improvements. Concerns over the effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of Highams Park District Centre, by reason of its height, scale and massing, were considered in the proof of evidence developed in support of the scheme.


Atlantis Highams Ltd.


Stephen Davy Peter Smith Architects


Expert witness at Public Inquiry on architectural, townscape and heritage matters and provision of Proof of evidence on Townscape, Visual Impact and the Effect of the Appeal Scheme on the Character and Appearance of the Area.


Appeal allowed and planning permission granted.