85 Gracechurch Street

Image by:Woods Bagot

85 Gracechurch Street, City of London

City of London

85 Gracechurch Street is a fully greened, 32-storey building located within the Leadenhall Market Conservation Area. It will include: a generous public hall at ground floor to accommodate some retail and flexible uses, such as a food hall and events; a cultural exhibition space curated by The Museum of London and a heritage garden and walkway at 5th floor, offering unprecedented views over the conservation area; and office space above. The building, which will retain and enhance the existing historic façade onto Gracechurch Street, and is inspired by the architecture of the Grade II* listed Leadenhall Market, will reinstate a historic pedestrian route through the site and act as a catalyst to attract a wider demographic into the market. The building’s form will express the medieval plot pattern of the area, and will complement the emerging Eastern Cluster of tall buildings.

The Townscape Consultancy provided design, townscape, and heritage advice throughout the pre-application process and helped unlock the potential of the site in a historically sensitive part of the City.


Hertshten Group


Woods Bagot


Design feedback, Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment and Listed Building Assessment as part of an Environmental Statement.


The project was approved in March 2023.